character-full-body-210x450This website was designed and developed by Eseyo, an Internet Marketing Consultancy based in Brentwood, Essex.

If you require Website Design, Search Engine Optimisation, Email Marketing, Social Media Strategy or any other Web Services please contact us using the details on the right.

If you mention that you were referred from this website you will receive a discount on your next web project, and **CLIENT NAME** will receive an hours free consultancy from Eseyo.

Eseyo Web Consulting
Telephone: 01277 849443
Email: [email protected]
Craven Gate, Lorne Road,
CM14 5HH


An introduction to Eseyo

Based in Brentwood, Essex, Eseyo is an experienced Internet Marketing Consultancy.
Run by Scott Griffiths, who has over 18 years experience of designing, building, managing and promoting websites of all shapes, sizes and budgets, Eseyo is well positioned to offer a wide range of services to its clients.

The focus of the business and philosophy behind everything that it does is to build functional websites that work. This sounds simple, but defining “work” means something different to every client.

Broadly speaking websites fall into one or more of the following categories and depending on the clients views a different strategy is required to achieve success:

  1. Web based sales ( product, service or subscription)
  2. Offline sales
  3. Generate qualified leads
  4. Create market awareness
  5. Be informative or entertaining
  6. Influence or persuade peoples thinking

Being accountable is another important value at Eseyo. Wherever possible tools and reports to measure activity, conversion, click-throughs or engagement with your website will be measured and you will be encouraged to study these. By providing this transparent information to its clients this allows them to understand and measure their return on investment into their website.

Eseyo look to build long-term relationships with its clients rather than simply delivering a completed project. Particularly with SEO, understanding your business and its internet roadmap is a very important part of what makes us successful. Many of our clients consider Eseyo to be an integral part of their organization.

Eseyo Internet Marketing Consultancy - Website Design in Essex